Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Under the Leaky Ceiling
Typhoon Juaning gate-crashed in Manila and classes are suspended for elementary and high school. If you're inside a tall building you will get a view of very low, dark clouds. If you don't see anything except fog, you are most likely already inside those rain clouds.
It feels good waking up with this cool weather, the big challenge is getting up to get ready for work. In my case, I'm still bothered with the leak on my ceiling! Argh!
Friday, July 22, 2011
"Ex" Repellent

Should we remain friends with our exes? But why do some people find it so hard to distance themselves from their past relationships? Haven't they got proper closures? Are they still in pain that love in their relationship no longer exist? Feeling of bitterness that they have been replaced by a better love interest? Broke up but still in good terms? Work? Hmm...
You are definitely not alone when it comes to dealing with exes, especially the pesky ones. Let's start this by labeling 3 Types of Exes shall we? The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. How hard can that be?
The Good Ex. These are exes who thinks sensibly and logically for them to rationally accept the fact that "it's over". It only takes a conversation to make it clear that the relationship is not working. They are pretty much easy to deal with so no worries. Though they still have to go through the excruciating process of moving on.
The Bad Ex. If you think your ex is bad during your relationship, then get ready for some drama after the breakup. They will run to their friends and will make you look horrible. Okay, that is pretty normal, but this person will attempt to make his/her friends will hate you. It will most likely be posted in their facebook wall or twitter, to get everyone curious and suddenly make a fuss. Ignore those. Make sure you have already explained to your ex and and your friends why the relationship ended. Just let your ex go through the painful stages of moving on. Although there could still be some confrontations every now and then, though. Avoid communications. They may be giving you sweet words slowly softening your heart and make you want them back again. Watch out and make their intentions clear, who knows that they are just planning a revenge on you and crush your heart like how you crushed theirs. Ignoring them is your only help for them to completely move on. They will soon realize that the break up is best for both of you.
The Ugly Ex. If you got drama with The Bad Ex, now get ready for some drama AND action with The Ugly Ex! They wake up every morning living through the pain and bitterness you caused them and they can't get over the fact that they have been dumped. This immature type of ex is most difficult to get rid of. They clearly lack understanding even you tell them to the Nth time that "it's over". Either their in denial or they just don't want to listen to you. Anticipate exasperating antics from this ugly ex. They will recklessly whine and go around town telling all their friends how awful you are and make them hate you too. They will use all modes of communication just to tell you how horrible you are and make you feel bad. Their main goal is to make your life miserable. They will attack you and other people around you with really harsh words. Could they be psychotic? Just hold yourself from fighting back, it will only make the situation worse. Leave her alone doing her desperate actions, she will soon realize how pathetic she is and will eventually leave you in silence. Otherwise, if the ugly ex got you cornered to talk, then it's the time for you to play the role of a guidance counselor. Stay calm for this person needs psychological help. They need to give their heart some time and space. Show them that you understand their situation, give encouraging and inspirational words until they have calmed down, which I bet won't be easy but could help.
So there you have it! Come on! Let's admit that these exes are really such a pain in the ass! Whether they have good or bad intentions, the best way to deal with an ex is to absolutely stop frequent communication with them. Block them from your group of friends, it's completely understandable. At times, they will try to get in touch with you but simply ignore it. Comforting or simply talking to them will not help them move on. Some will try to slowly make their way back to you until you want them back as lovers again. But it will be more complicated if you found a new flame and these things happen. Step out of the way of your ex and be sensitive with the feelings of your new love. No one knows what could happen next if you continue mingling with your ex. Remember that once it's over, it's got be over... for real.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Morning Rush

It is a fun and crazy 4-hour radio program every morning hosted by the "epic" duo, Chico and Delamar of Monster Radio RX 93.1. Habitually listening to them turned out to be like a happy drug to me. Hence, "RX" is like a prescription, right? I have been actively listening to them ever since 2002. Soon considered myself as a member of a huge cult of listeners tuned in religiously every morning called, "the Rushers".
You will surely get hooked too once you try listen to them. Just get ready that you might suddenly tend to laugh by yourself while you're all ears to their funny but enlightening conversations especially during their frequent "Top Ten" topics, it happens to me a lot! I would have to try hold back my laughter when I'm in the office so others wont think that I'm going crazy! Let us all just hope they would release a shirt that says "I am not crazy, I'm just tuned in to The Morning Rush with Chico and Delamar".
Monday, July 18, 2011
Harry Potter Movie Finale

Ah, the smell of the Harry Potter mania! Went out to the mall this passed weekend and happened to walk by the cinemas. All the theaters are showing Harry Potter! Most of the marquee signs scrolls "Sold Out" for the next screen-time. The place is jam-packed with people in long queues on ticket booths, snack bars, and at the entrance of the theaters. Everyone is aching to watch the final installment of this movie! Okay, I admit that I have only read the first 2 books and half of the 3rd book. The bright side of not reading the book "yet" gives the torturous anticipation on what's going to happen next, which I love in movies. Well, since I haven't read most of the books, I didn't know how it was going to end! I'd read the books later.
The movie started on the scene where it exactly ended in part 1. At first, I didn't quite expected that it was starting already since there were no dramatic intros, until Voldemort appeared on screen. The last 4 films made by David Yates made the characters more matured in their roles as it appeals it's maturing audiences growing up with it too. There were a lot of action and few dramas... and prepare yourselves for quite a revelation too!
It sends a melancholic feeling when you think that this is the final movie and that it's time to say good bye to all the characters that we've grown up with for 10 years. There weren't any tearjerker moments on this one as some might expect it but the whole movie is very compelling with dreamy visuals. I highly recommend it to everyone who loves Harry Potter. It was such a beautiful ending for Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Superb!
Unforgettable quote: "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living and above all, those who live without love." - Albus Dumbledore
Friday, July 15, 2011
Boracay (Day 5): The Long Way Home
I didn't hear Bev's "Party Rock Anthem" alarm tone but the sound of the heavy rain woke me up. It was already 7:30AM. Bev jumped off the bed and hurried because their call time for the shuttle service to catch their 11AM flight is 8AM! Unfortunately, we got a news that all flights are cancelled due to bad weather. Darn!
Here are the batches of our flights:
7AM, 11AM, 12:30PM, 4PM, 4:30, and 5PM.
I'm in the 4PM batch.
After tossing and turning on the bed, trying to get more sleep, I finally gave up! I took a shower and went downstairs to have breakfast. Got a clear view from the restaurant that the sun is up and shinning. So what's with the cancellation of flights? I asked my mom and a couple of friends about the weather in Manila, they all said that "the weather is fine except in the evening". But it was done already, all our flights are cancelled and re-booked for the 7PM Kalibo. Wah!

Finally, we left the hotel at 3PM. A van drove us to the Boracay port, then had a 5-minute boat ride to Caticlan. Then about an hour and a half drive from Caticlan port to Kalibo Airport. Man, it was tiring! Then we had a few issues in the airport. There were a lot of cancelled and some diverted flights. Again, we were so tired and hungry. Shai and I got home at around 9PM.
That was a long stressful day, but surrounded with this great people in our group? I sure had an unforgettable great time!
Boracay (Day 4): Team Building Activities
Call time is around 9:30AM. I woke up late from partying last night (wow, party girl?), but just right in time to get ready for our team building activities.
We rode a multicab to take us to a bay and then we hopped into a speed boat towards our destination: A hut on a raft in the middle of the bay, maybe 5 kilometers from the beach.

I think the budget only covers the Jetski and the Banana Boat rental. But we can cough out the cash from our wallet to try the FlyFish and Parasailing (yaman)!
I was so excited to try the Banana Boat! Though they no longer allow to throw the passengers off the Banana Boat on purpose. Which I think lessens the thrill? Hehe. Oh well, I guess for safety reasons.

It's my first time to drive the Jetski! We're allowed to have a partner to ride with us. Mam Sue get to ride with me. I was surprised that when I happen to drive faster, she gets more excited. She's fun! Haha!

I think the FlyFish is more exciting than the Banana Boat ride. Both have similar concepts though. But with the FlyFish, which is also pulled by a speedboat, the inflatable ride has a tendency to -well... almost fly. The front part goes up, almost slipping most of it's passengers off! Don and Ross fell off from it. I just don't like the thought of left alone in a huge body of water.

We ran out of budget to try Parasailing. Oh maybe next time. Only sir Jun and Yana got the time to try it (coughed out cash from their wallets too) Haha! Looks a lot of fun!!!

In the evening, we headed to Astoria for dinner. It was about a kilometer from our hotel and we're so hungry! Good thing we spotted this barbeque place and I saw isaw! If you don't know what isaw is... it's the (ok, this might sound gross) chicken's intestines. But hey! It tastes great if dipped in white vinegar. It's seldom for me to eat isaw, so this is a huge treat for myself.

Boracay (Day 3): The Great Escape
While the managers are back in the function room for the Strategic Planning. Our group are out for some fun activities!
The island of Boracay is just a small place but there are a lot of things to do here even if you didn't prepare any itineraries.
First up, apply the sunblock!
I guess the whole Boracay trip wouldn't be complete without getting a henna tattoo! There are Henna/tattoo artists around the island, it's not hard to spot one. We got this done just right in front of our hotel.
April got a butterfly design for the back of her shoulder.
11 of us hopped on a boat ride for a snorkeling activity.
Unfortunately, it's a red holiday for me and April. But it's alright, we just took pictures!
Gearing up.
Fun fun fun!
Ross playing with the water on our boat ride to Ilig-Iligan Beach
Mayette, RJ and April
April had a Mango Avocado Shake...
while I had their popular Banana Choco Peanut shake. It tastes so good!
That night, we had dinner in this Mongolian restaurant. The food is great but I didn't get to finish what I'm eating. My tummy was still full from our merienda in Jonah's.
Much later that night, we went out again partying in Guilly's Island (for the 2nd night in a row)! This time, our BUGM and most of the managers partied with us. We even spotted Piolo Pascual in one corner but he refused to take a picture with us, I guess he just don't want to get too much attention.

We left the party at around 2AM already, most of us decided to just walk home instead of taking a tricycle ride. Ayan tuloy, inabutan kami ng ulan! Probably one reason why most of us got coughs and colds. :D

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Boracay (Day 2): Sales Alignment
Bev's alarm clock woke us up (she's my room mate in the hotel also with miss Gigi). I feel like dancing to her "Party Rock Anthem" alarm tone. But I fell asleep again for another 30 minutes. It was a bit early in the morning but no pressure since the function room is just downstairs from our hotel room. Breakfast muna!
It's sir Elli's birthday! And we all went to the function room earlier to prepare a surprise for him.
We started our Sales Alignment at 9AM.
RJ presenting for Central Luzon
Boracay (Day 1): The Long Travel
Our shuttle service from office to the airport will leave at 6AM. And since April and I were just near the office, we woke up at around 5AM and we still manage to get in the office early to ride the shuttle service. Our group arrived in the airport at 6:30AM, had our breakfast and checked in.

Here was our flight details:
Manila to Boracay (Caticlan) Departure: 0825 / Arrival: 0935
Traveling with a huge group was a lot of fun. We didn’t even care if we were the noisiest in the airport while waiting for our flight, which was DELAYED due to bad weather in Caticlan. We packed non-stop talks and laughter so we didn’t get bored.
Standing: Camille, Ross, JP and Jo
Sitting: Jun, April, Patty, Glo and Karen
JP, Ross and RJ
After a long wait, they finally announced to board our plane. It was already around 9AM. The plane was small with huge propellers on the sides. It was my first time to ride a small plane, fortunately I didn’t panicked.
On flight, the pilot later announced that we cannot fly directly to Caticlan due to bad weather so our flight was diverted to Kalibo.
RJ to Heather(Flight Attendant): Masama ba panahon sa Caticlan?
Heather: Yes, kaya we might experience some turbulence.
RJ: Ok. Pwede bababa nalang ako ng Iloilo?
After a while, I already got cold sweats and started to get nauseous during the flight and felt like I’m going to pass out! The flight attendant handed me a little bottle of White Flower to serve as inhaler.
We landed in Kalibo at around 10AM and had to ride a bus going to Caticlan. I eventually felt better after drinking a very cold water and fell asleep in the bus.
It was about an hour and a half bus ride from Kalibo to Caticlan and it was raining! Then we transferred to a boat which only took us 5 minutes from Caticlan port to the island of Boracay. We arrived in the hotel at almost 2PM (expected is 10AM). We were all exhausted and hungry from that very long travel! Fortunately the food was ready!
The managers arrived late too. So they decided to start the Strategic Planning the next day so we also have time to finish our reports and rest.
Stolen shot of Addrian. hehe
Everyone's busy working on their reports. :)