Ah, the smell of the Harry Potter mania! Went out to the mall this passed weekend and happened to walk by the cinemas. All the theaters are showing Harry Potter! Most of the marquee signs scrolls "Sold Out" for the next screen-time. The place is jam-packed with people in long queues on ticket booths, snack bars, and at the entrance of the theaters. Everyone is aching to watch the final installment of this movie! Okay, I admit that I have only read the first 2 books and half of the 3rd book. The bright side of not reading the book "yet" gives the torturous anticipation on what's going to happen next, which I love in movies. Well, since I haven't read most of the books, I didn't know how it was going to end! I'd read the books later.
The movie started on the scene where it exactly ended in part 1. At first, I didn't quite expected that it was starting already since there were no dramatic intros, until Voldemort appeared on screen. The last 4 films made by David Yates made the characters more matured in their roles as it appeals it's maturing audiences growing up with it too. There were a lot of action and few dramas... and prepare yourselves for quite a revelation too!
It sends a melancholic feeling when you think that this is the final movie and that it's time to say good bye to all the characters that we've grown up with for 10 years. There weren't any tearjerker moments on this one as some might expect it but the whole movie is very compelling with dreamy visuals. I highly recommend it to everyone who loves Harry Potter. It was such a beautiful ending for Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Superb!
Unforgettable quote: "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living and above all, those who live without love." - Albus Dumbledore
HP7 rules! However, it is really a sad thought knowing this will be the last installment for HP - an ending to a decade of spells, curses and exhilirating visuals.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, the last HOORAH for HARRY is undeniably great. The boy who lived never fails to surpass all our expectations - its catchy and dreamy effects and its close-to-reality lessons in a wizarding set-up.