Should we remain friends with our exes? But why do some people find it so hard to distance themselves from their past relationships? Haven't they got proper closures? Are they still in pain that love in their relationship no longer exist? Feeling of bitterness that they have been replaced by a better love interest? Broke up but still in good terms? Work? Hmm...
You are definitely not alone when it comes to dealing with exes, especially the pesky ones. Let's start this by labeling 3 Types of Exes shall we? The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. How hard can that be?
The Good Ex. These are exes who thinks sensibly and logically for them to rationally accept the fact that "it's over". It only takes a conversation to make it clear that the relationship is not working. They are pretty much easy to deal with so no worries. Though they still have to go through the excruciating process of moving on.
The Bad Ex. If you think your ex is bad during your relationship, then get ready for some drama after the breakup. They will run to their friends and will make you look horrible. Okay, that is pretty normal, but this person will attempt to make his/her friends will hate you. It will most likely be posted in their facebook wall or twitter, to get everyone curious and suddenly make a fuss. Ignore those. Make sure you have already explained to your ex and and your friends why the relationship ended. Just let your ex go through the painful stages of moving on. Although there could still be some confrontations every now and then, though. Avoid communications. They may be giving you sweet words slowly softening your heart and make you want them back again. Watch out and make their intentions clear, who knows that they are just planning a revenge on you and crush your heart like how you crushed theirs. Ignoring them is your only help for them to completely move on. They will soon realize that the break up is best for both of you.
The Ugly Ex. If you got drama with The Bad Ex, now get ready for some drama AND action with The Ugly Ex! They wake up every morning living through the pain and bitterness you caused them and they can't get over the fact that they have been dumped. This immature type of ex is most difficult to get rid of. They clearly lack understanding even you tell them to the Nth time that "it's over". Either their in denial or they just don't want to listen to you. Anticipate exasperating antics from this ugly ex. They will recklessly whine and go around town telling all their friends how awful you are and make them hate you too. They will use all modes of communication just to tell you how horrible you are and make you feel bad. Their main goal is to make your life miserable. They will attack you and other people around you with really harsh words. Could they be psychotic? Just hold yourself from fighting back, it will only make the situation worse. Leave her alone doing her desperate actions, she will soon realize how pathetic she is and will eventually leave you in silence. Otherwise, if the ugly ex got you cornered to talk, then it's the time for you to play the role of a guidance counselor. Stay calm for this person needs psychological help. They need to give their heart some time and space. Show them that you understand their situation, give encouraging and inspirational words until they have calmed down, which I bet won't be easy but could help.
So there you have it! Come on! Let's admit that these exes are really such a pain in the ass! Whether they have good or bad intentions, the best way to deal with an ex is to absolutely stop frequent communication with them. Block them from your group of friends, it's completely understandable. At times, they will try to get in touch with you but simply ignore it. Comforting or simply talking to them will not help them move on. Some will try to slowly make their way back to you until you want them back as lovers again. But it will be more complicated if you found a new flame and these things happen. Step out of the way of your ex and be sensitive with the feelings of your new love. No one knows what could happen next if you continue mingling with your ex. Remember that once it's over, it's got be over... for real.
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